Many vet practices have an online blog now, it’s a great way of engaging with customers remotely. But how can you make sure yours stands out? With so many benefits of a vet practice blog, it is important that your content works for you and your team. We are going to look at what makes ‘good’ vet blog content and some key things to consider when you are writing yours.
Creating a successful blog is a combination of subject matter and the way you pitch it. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it! In my experience, bad blog content tends to be dull with long blocks of text, on overly complicated subject matter. Good blogs have content that is presented in an accessible and friendly format – that means pictures and subheadings to break up the text! It also features subjects that most owners can relate to or matters that they want to know more about. We’ll explore these points in more detail below.
Pitching your blog
Before we look at subject matter here are some pointers to help you when writing your blog content.
Know your audience
First of all, an understanding of your audience will help you to pitch the content of your blog accordingly. For example, there is little point in writing dozens of blogs on goats if only a small proportion of your clientele own them! While it is important to be inclusive of all your customers, try not to bore others with too many features on a subject area that doesn’t apply to them.
Engage with your audience
Blogs should feel like a friendly chat. Owners don’t want to be lectured, spoken down to, or made to feel bad about things they do (or don’t do!) for their pets – so the tone is important. We want them to come away feeling informed, and with a sense that your team is approachable and compassionate.
Put a personal slant on it
It can be helpful to mention local matters in your blog (e.g., a recent rise in kennel cough in the area), or to have a discussion around an interesting case you have seen recently in practice. Occasionally mentioning your team, their achievements and anything your practice is especially good at will also help you to sell yourselves.
Make sure your audience can find your blog
There’s little point in writing an amazing blog if no one can find it! As well as making a feature of it on your practice website, be sure to share it on all of your social media pages too. Check out our advice on how to tell if your veterinary practice blog is being read.
Subject matter
Now onto the actual content part! It’s a good idea to do a mixture of the following so that your blogs don’t get too repetitive –
Seasonal content
Most clients enjoy easy-to-read pieces and seasonal topics like ‘Top 10 tips for pet travel’ or ‘Easter hazards’ (think chocolate, raisins, flowers, decorations etc) usually do well. Try and do a few of these throughout the year.
Topical subjects
Looking at what is going on in the news can give you some inspiration. For example, a discussion around rescuing animals from abroad and exotic disease risks, microchipping laws for cats and dogs and the rise in reported cases of dog bite injuries can all make your blog relevant.
Commonly asked questions
Are there any questions that come up time and time again from your customers? Examples of some commonly asked ones might include –
- Why should I neuter my rabbit?
- How do I know if my dog has skin allergies?
- How do I get rid of fleas?
- Why do I need to vaccinate my cat?
- How often should I walk my puppy?
- Are raisins poisonous to dogs?
I’m sure you can think of many more examples! All these questions will give you the starting point for a topic.
Let’s take the flea one for example. This is your opportunity to explain the flea life cycle, bust a few myths around parasites and explain why they should come into you for a check-up and their parasite control. It’s a good opportunity for linking in your pet health care plan too, if your practice has one.
Feature real-life successes!
As discussed earlier, personalising your blog with some real cases (perhaps a ‘star pet of the month’ feature!) can help showcase your skills, as well as your passion and empathy. Consent from owners will be needed for this one, but in my experience, most are happy to do so. They also love sharing their pet’s newfound fame with their friends and family, which can also help to raise your practice’s profile.
Similarly, ‘a day in the life of…’ blogs go down well, as many members of the public are interested to hear what goes on behind the scenes.
Something lighter
While educating owners is important, a few light-hearted pieces now and then help make your practice more personable. Good content for a vet blog could include ’10 things you didn’t know about German Shepherd dogs’ or ‘Our guide to DIY cat toys’.
A practice blog is a way of educating your clients but also advertising your practice too. Therefore, it’s important to get the tone and subject matter right. Hopefully, you now have some inspiration as to what makes for good content and can start drafting a few ideas of your own. However, if you are strapped for time, or just don’t know how to convey your message, then speak to us! We help many businesses with bespoke blog topics, so get in touch to have a chat about your needs.
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