There are so many benefits of a vet practice blog but it can be hard to come up with inspiration for regular fresh content! If you’re not sure what your practice should be talking about then we have a few veterinary blog post ideas that go down well with pet owners. Let’s look at some of the key topics that you should be covering throughout the year.


·         New Years Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions are a tradition at the start of the year, but how many people make them for their pets? These could include keeping parasite treatment up to date or tackling dental hygiene.

·         Weight Loss

Weight loss is on many people’s minds in January and the same should go for overweight pets.

·         Cold Weather

Help owners look after their pets in the colder months with some tips on housing rabbits and guinea pigs, as well as looking at antifreeze poisoning and road salt/grit in cats and dogs


·         Heart health

Want an alternative look at Valentine’s Day? Why not make a blog about common heart conditions in cats and dogs?

·         Dental Awareness Month

February is dental awareness month, so put the spotlight on oral health. Explain the importance of dental hygiene and how dental procedures are carried out.

·         Neutering Awareness Month

Use neutering awareness month to promote responsible pet ownership.


·         Easter Dangers

Toxicities are more likely to occur around Easter so it’s worth reminding everyone about the dangers e.g. chocolate, raisins (hot crossed buns) and daffodils.

·         Pet Anxiety Month

Stress and anxiety in cats and dogs are very common and your practice should discuss it.

·         Ask The Vet

Addressing frequently asked questions usually goes down well, you could always ask your clients what they want to know if you need inspiration!


·         Spring Toxins

Take a look at commonly encountered toxins in springtime e.g. lilies, daffodils, tulips and bluebells

·         National Pet Month

Use National Pet Month to discuss responsible pet ownership including neutering and vaccinations.

·         Dog Bite Prevention Week

Many countries recognise dog bite prevention week (2nd week in April), so use this to discuss the ladder of aggression and child safety.


·         Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month

Celebrate your nursing team and give them some recognition!

·         Parasite Prevention

Warmer weather brings higher numbers of parasites, not to mention flystrike in rabbits.

·         Allergy Awareness

Spring and summer see a rise in itchy pets, so discuss the various causes and treatments.


·         Rabbit Awareness Month

Promote rabbit welfare, as well as draw attention to any rabbit-related services that you pride yourself on.

·         National Microchipping Month

June is also national microchipping month, so highlight its importance. Mention any success stories your practice might have had at reuniting an owner and their pet.

·         Puppy Tips and Tricks

New puppy owners often look for support around training, feeding and healthcare.


·         Summer Weather

Heatstroke, particularly in brachycephalic breeds, needs discussing. For more inspiration, check out our 5 summer pet owner education topics post.

·         Pet Travel

With holidays on the horizon, many owners will be thinking about the logistics of pet travel. Discuss the documents an animal will need to travel abroad, as well as motion sickness and travelling in a car safely.

·         A Day In The Life Of…

…a vet, the practice or a vet nurse! Let owners know what goes on behind the scenes.


·         Barbeque Hazards

Many people barbeque in the summer months – kebab skewers, corn on the cobs and bones are all risky business!

·         International Cat Day (Aug 8th)

Let’s promote all your cat-friendly features as part of international cat day! What unique services do you offer to your feline patients?

·         First Aid For Pets

Share your tips on pet first aid and remind owners what might constitute an emergency or not.


·         Animal Pain Awareness Month

Many owners are still poor at recognising common signs of pain in their pets, so use Animal Pain Awareness Month to discuss conditions like osteoarthritis.

·         Focus On Food

Pet owners commonly google the foods that their pets can and cannot eat, so why not focus on that?

·         The Importance Of Pet Insurance

Policy types, the average cost of veterinary treatments and why insurance is recommended can be helpful for confused owners.


·         Animal Road Awareness Day (Oct 10th)

As the nights draw in, use this day as a way of discussing road safety and any road traffic cases you have seen in practice.

·         Spotlight On Senior Pets

A focus on elderly patients and how your practice helps to support them.

·         Halloween (31st Oct)

Draw owners’ attention to the dangers of treats that contain xylitol and chocolate. You can also look at other hazards like candles and how to counter the stress caused by parties or trick-or-treaters knocking on the door.


·         Bonfire Night (Nov 5th)

In the UK, fireworks at bonfire night cause a great deal of stress to many pets, owners are often looking for tips to help with this.

·         Pet Diabetes Month

Use your blog to raise awareness of diabetes in pets and what health screens you offer in practice.

·         Wet Weather Ideas

Give owners some ideas on how to keep their pets amused as the weather declines e.g. puzzle toys, snuffle mats and hide and seek games.


·         International Day of Veterinary Medicine (Dec 9th)

Promote the advances that have been made in veterinary medicine in your blog, showcasing your vet teams’ additional qualifications or talents.

·         The importance of regular checkups

Money can be a bit tight around the holidays, but it is worth gently reminding people of the reasons why they should try and continue their regular check-ups.

·         Christmas Hazards

It seems like a cliché, but it’s always worth doing a festive hazard awareness blog! Chocolate, decorations, raisins and fatty leftovers should all be mentioned.



Hopefully, our veterinary blog post ideas have given you some pointers to kickstart things at your practice. If you are time-strapped or still struggling with putting your blog posts together, then why not contact us for more help?

Dr Rebecca MacMillan

Dr Rebecca MacMillan

Rebecca is a companion animal vet who has always had a passion for writing and client communication. Since her graduation from the Royal Veterinary college in 2009 she has gained a wealth of experience in first opinion small animal practice, in both clinical and managerial roles. She has been writing for The Veterinary Content Company for three years, and has experience in SEO, content writing, marketing, and veterinary business development.