If your business is horse-hearted, you might be looking for an expert who really knows their bridles from their browbands. An equine industry writer can be hard to find!

Why you need an equine industry writer

Horse owners are generally better informed than the average pet owner, which means they’ll spot a mistake a mile off. And because horse riding is such an ancient sport, it has a huge amount of tradition behind it – one mistake (like approaching a horse from the wrong side) can quickly cast doubt over your knowledge. Since your brand’s sales are rooted in trust, you need to show off your horse knowledge, provide useful resources, and be beyond silly mistakes. A specialist equine industry writer will be a far safer bet than a normal freelance writer.

Of course, if you don’t yet have a blog, you’ve probably been scraping by without a specialist writer. But the benefits to your SEO can’t be underestimated.

Finding a good freelance equine writer

Of course, it’s one thing to know you need a freelance equine industry writer, and another to find one. So what makes a good freelance writer in the horse industry? You’ll want to be on the look out for:

  • Proven experience with horses – at least 5 years is sensible!
  • A good knowledge base – do they have qualifications from BHSQ, TOCES, or a good degree?
  • Experience writing – have they written before, and who for?
  • Enough availability for your needs – a writer might be perfect but if they can’t offer you the time you need then it’s not much use!

Our Equine Vets

Our equine vets are experienced with writing, and have demonstrable knowledge and experience. This makes them perfect candidates for equine industry writing roles! We currently have two main equine writers on our staff, although we have links to others, so if these two don’t take your fancy please still get in touch.

Dr Jessica Putnam BVMedSci(Hons), BVM BVS(Hons), MRCVS


Having ridden her first pony at the age of three, a continued love of horses sparked Jess’ interest in becoming a vet, and she qualified from the Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine in 2012. Jess has worked in equine veterinary practices in Lancashire and North Yorkshire ever since, including undertaking an internship at Rainbow Equine Hospital.

She enjoys all aspects of her role in clinical practice, including ambulatory and clinic-based work, and also has a passion for client communication and education, and staff training. She is currently studying towards Advanced Practitioner status.

Dr Alice Barker BVSC MRCVS

Since graduating from the University of Liverpool in 2018, Alice has worked in a mixture of referral and first opinion equine practice. While she started out in New Zealand, she has since moved back to the UK and is now based in the North East.

Alice has developed an interest in anaesthesia and veterinary mental health. She is the Wellbeing Champion for her current practice.

alice barker, vet and eqine industry writer

Hiring our equine vet writers

It’s so simple to hire an equine industry writer through The Veterinary Content Company. We know our vets’ preferences and availability, and we do all the organisation for you. All you need to do is decide what you want them for! To chat to one of our team, or book a free discovery call with our content and SEO specialist, just get in touch and Liz or Jo will be happy to help.

Joanna Woodnutt

Joanna Woodnutt

Dr Joanna Woodnutt MRCVS is a qualified vet, freelance writer, and editor at The Veterinary Content Company. She lives in the Channel Islands with her husband and daughter, as well as their naughty but loveable terrier, Pixie.