With over 20 vet writers, and great connections in the veterinary world, we can find you the best writer for your project. Our regular writers are below, but we are always in the process of onboarding more team members so not everybody will be on here. Just click on the writer to learn more and read some of their published works.

Dr Hannah Godfrey
Hannah is a small animal vet with interests in dentistry, surgery, imaging, and veterinary teams

Dr Rosalind Wright
Roz has interests in nutrition and internal medicine, and further qualifications in emergency medicine and surgery

Dr Alexandra Warner
Alex likes working dogs, charity medicine, preventative medicine and pain management. She is a certified acupuncture therapist.

Dr Emma Chandley
Emma is a small animal vet with postgraduate qualifications in surgery

Dr Gemma Cliffin
Gemma is interested in feline medicine, pain management, and diagnostic imaging

Dr Holly Anne Hills
Holly enjoys routine and emergency cat and dog work, and is also a marine mammal medic

Dr Aisling O'Keeffe
Aisling has further qualifications in internal medicine and feline medicine, and an interest in feline behaviour

Dr Louise Barnes
Louise is a small animal vet with interests in dermatology and toxicology

Dr Alice Barker
Alice is an equine vet with interests in farm animals, dogs, and veterinary careers and wellbeing

Dr Emma Rogers-Smith
Emma enjoys gastroenterology (especially the gut microbiome), haematology, immunology and infectious diseases.

Dr Alisa Alden
Alisa loves public health and one health, focussing on the link between human and animal diseases

Dr Lily Richards
Lily has an interest in exotic animals as well as all areas of internal medicine
Why vet writers?
Vet writers make for great content. As vets, they are trained to deliver complex ideas in simple language. As writers, they enjoy being able to share their knowledge with more pet owners. Our vet writers are always updating their knowledge to make sure they are giving out the latest advice based on sound scientific principles.
Choosing us
Choosing to work with us at The Veterinary Content Company couldn’t be easier. To get started, all you need to do is get in touch with us. Liz will walk you through the process and explain the information we need to get your project off the ground. We’ll handle the rest and deliver the finished piece within the deadline.
Vetted vets
We take the hard work out of vetting vets, so you don’t have to. When they apply, our veterinarians have to send in a writing sample, their CV, and evidence of their veterinary qualification. Once we’re checked they are who they say they are, we look at their sample. And if we like what they see, they do a trial with us. If accepted, we onboard them and they undergo further writing and SEO training with the company.
Not sure these vet writers are right for you?
Don’t worry! We are always training up new vet writers to make sure they’re up to scratch, so we may already have the person you need onboard. If not, we’re happy to try to find one for you. We have extensive contacts in the veterinary field and probably already have your ideal writer in our phone book.
Send us an email with your requirements and we’ll see what we can do.