When you’re a large blog with a huge number of articles in your bank, asking a vet to re-write them isn’t always the best idea. That’s where medical proofreading comes in. Our veterinary proofreading service allows clients like TrustedHousesitters to improve the quality of their content and gain reader trust without re-writing all their content.
When TrustedHousesitters got in touch to talk to us about their database of articles, we were happy to help. As a large company, they’re well aware of the importance of content marketing and had built an excellent blog covering a range of common pet problems. However, they’d realised something was missing – the stamp of quality that a qualified vet could bring to their website. We dove right in, and have checked, edited, and improved over 150 articles for them to date.
How does the veterinary proofreading service work?
Our veterinary proofreading service is simple to use. You send us your already-written pet content on a document, and we’ll return the checked document to you – complete with comments, annotations, and suggestions. Our vets will make sure you haven’t said anything correct, that you haven’t missed an important symptom or cause, and that you have got the right level of seriousness when discussing a symptom or condition. Once you’ve uploaded the suggested changes, you can use the vet’s name alongside ‘checked by’ to show your readers that they can trust your article.
What are the benefits of medical proofreading?
Content marketing is all about creating a relationship, so it’s important to make sure your article is as trustworthy as possible. Articles written by veterinarians are great, but if you have already got lots of content then our veterinary proofreading service is another option.
The benefits of getting a vet to medically check your articles include:
- Greater trust from readers
- Less likely to get complaints
- Better SEO thanks to increased E-E-A-T
We’re confident that our vet writers have helped TrustedHousesitters improve their blog. If you’ve got content that needs medically proofreading, get in touch and see if we can help!